Part I of this post appears here: Part I
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Drach Caves
Having visited the Borra Caves in Vizag, India before, our expectation was of something along those lines. However, the underground Lake Martel housed within the Caves makes all the difference here. The lake is one of the largest underground lakes in Europe.
The tour also included a 5 min light and music boat show with live music (western classical) being played on the boat. The effect was quite impressive. Unfortunately, we do not have any pics of the event, not only because of the strict "No photography" restrictions but also due to the prevailing darkness that makes it extremely difficult to take pics.
To finish off, a few more pics of the caves themselves:

Shopping tip: Mallorca is famous for its pearls, aka Majorica Pearls. Though you can find them everywhere in the city, the best place to buy them at factory prices is in the Pearl factory located in Manacor.
The final stop was in Barcelona, Spain. We unfortunately got to spend only 1 day in Barcelona, which after passing the day, we realized is woefully inadequate to explore a city like Barcelona in its entirety. We really liked what we saw and hope to return there someday soon. So we will leave a detailed description of the city to a later post. Till then, enjoy pics of some of many noteworthy sights in Barcelona.
Barcelona port

Gothic quarters - Cathedral

Columbus monument
Las Ramblas
Las Ramblas is the most touristic street in Barcelona. It stretches almost 1km from Plaça Catalunya to the Cruise port terminal. The street is filled with street artists and small shops of all kinds and is a must visit. As we went there close to Christmas, the streets were beautifully decorated with colorful lights (collage below).
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year 2013 and Merry Christmas (Noël in France, Nadal in Catalunya, or whatever it is called in your part of the world)!